Nature of Me
It doesn't matter what I do
It doesn't matter what I say
The outcome is the same
Can't control what life takes away
I wish I could change my light .... and shine
But I don't want to be a spectacle of design
And aesthetics appeal to me ... more than souls
Because souls are false and life is filled with holes
It never mattered if I thrived
It wouldn't matter if I died
Even if I cried the tears won't dry
Can't control this and my body starts to shake
I wish I could change my light .... and shine
But I don't want to be a spectacle of design
And aesthetics appeal to me ... more than souls
Because souls are false and life is filled with holes
Never again
Will I settle for less
Down in the back blades
I will regress
A being of habits
The beggings of death
This is my nature
A constant mess
I wish I could change my light .... and shine
But I don't want to be a spectacle of design
And aesthetics appeal to me ... more than souls
Because souls are false and life is filled with holes
Posted on 2022/2/26.